Performing a Full System Scan

If you think you may be the victim of computer malware or a virus, please perform a full system scan as soon as possible. This could be because you have stumbled across a nasty site that automatically downloads software to your computer or more likely, have received an email that looks legitimate, but isn’t. If […]

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Record a PowerPoint presentation with audio and video

Create your power point When complete, click Slide Show > Record from Beginning This will now put the presentation into “recording mode” When ready, click RECORD in top left corner This will start the recording and you can start presenting (including using the annotation pens) Click through the presentation until you get to the end […]

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SIMS Upgrade

The latest SIMS upgrade (which you’d have received communication about recently from HfL) has now been released for some schools.  If it has, then users may experience “incompatible database” error when logging in. To fix this, the update needs to be applied. This should happen automatically a few minutes after turning on the computer, but […]

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Top 10 Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts help us to save significant amounts of time while we are working at our computers. Whether we use them to cut and paste, or to undo mistakes, most people have their favourite. The list of key combinations goes deeper than many people realise, so I’ve put together my 10 favourite shortcuts that you […]

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Remote Desktop For Mac

Note: If you remain connected but not active, the session will disconnect after 1 hour. Your account will then be logged out after 3 hours. Please Save, close and logout when you are finished with the remote session. Leaving your session connected will take up unnecessary resources on the server. For connecting via a Windows […]

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Remote Desktop Guide

Note: If you remain connected but not active, the session will disconnect after 1 hour. Your account will then be logged out after 3 hours. Please save, close and logout when you are finished with the remote session. Leaving your session connected will take up unnecessary resources on the server. This is what your Remote […]

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Self Password Reset

There are 2 parts to this article, please refer to part 2 if you have forgotten your password. This will only work if part 1 has been completed. Part 1. Update Your Information This service allows users to reset their own password for their school E-mail account. This service is not enabled by default. If […]

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BitLocker Windows Security Feature

What is BitLocker? BitLocker is a Microsoft official encryption program for Windows operating systems, it is used to protect the data on your storage devices (e.g. Hard Drives and USB Sticks). BitLocker will be able to detect if the drive has been tampered with, e.g. physically connected to a different machine, or an unauthorised change […]

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RM Unify – SSL Connect Guide for Macs

This how-to guide explains the process of connecting to RM Unify’s VPN, SSL Connect, which allows users to access their school network from any external location.   Before you start Before proceeding, there is an important prerequisite that needs to be checked. Prior to using the SSL connect, if you are using a school Ma, […]

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RM Unify – SSL Connect Guide for Windows

This how-to guide explains the process of connecting to RM Unify’s VPN, SSL Connect, which allows users to access their school network from any external location. Before you start If you are using a school device from home, prior to using the SSL connect, the proxy settings on the laptop must be turned off. There […]

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Installing/Upgrading Target Tracker Sims Report Template

Download the template Browse to the website and click on “ Data Extraction”. Click on the current “ template for Target Tracker” link to download the template as highlighted in the picture below After downloading the file will need to be unzipped. Do this by double clicking the zipped folder and then clicking Extract […]

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Updating Target tracker pupils details

Check the current template version online Browse to the website and click on “ Data Extraction”. Make a note of the version of the template as highlighted in the picture below. In the pictured example the version would be 15.   To generate the report From the Main Screen of Sims select Reports – Run […]

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Office365 on iOS using OWA

Microsoft have now introduced an all-in-one app to access your Office365 mail, calendar and contacts. To install and set up on an Android iOS device: 1. Open the App Store   2. Search for “OWA”. You may see a few different versions, but we are interested in the “OWA for iPhone” or “OWA for iPad” app […]

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Office365 on Android using OWA

Microsoft have now introduced an all-in-one app to access your Office365 mail, calendar and contacts. To install and set up on an Android device: 1. Open the Play Store   2. Search for “OWA”. You may see a few different versions, but we are interested in the “Outlook Web App” app.           […]

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How to configure VPN on a Mac OSX

VPN is a system that allows a user to connect to their organisation’s network from an external location. Essentially, it’s like running a really long network cable from the school back to your house – everything is encrypted making it safe and secure for use. To configure VPN on a Mac OSX, open Network Preferences, click […]

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How to install Cisco VPN Client

NOTE: This guide is only applicable to Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8.  Windows 10 instructions will be uploaded shortly. VPN is a system that allows a user to connect to their organisation’s network from an external location. Essentially, it’s like running a really long network cable from the school back to your house – […]

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Microsoft Forms for Education

So just a little over a month ago, Microsoft released it’s latest app, Forms, into it’s ever-expanding array for the ‘Office365 for Education’ platform. MS Forms was developed as a result of feedback (via a form?!) from various educators who were looking for an easy way to collect simple data, produce quizzes and be able […]

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How to setup an Office365 email on Android

NOTE: There is now an updated guide to setup Office365 using the OWA app. Click here for instructions.   1) To setup an Office365 email account on an Android device, open the “Settings” app   2) Scroll down the menu options and select “Accounts” 3) Select “Add Account”.   4) Next you will be presented with […]

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Guide to Common iPad Tasks and Problems

  Button Layout:   Multi-Tasking: Placing four fingers on the screen and pushing up will bring up the multi-tasking menu. (Can also be accessed by double tapping the home button). From here you can see all apps that are currently running in the background. To close one of these apps, simply swipe it up off […]

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Introduction to Google Sketch Up

What is Google Sketch Up? Google Sketch Up is a 3D modelling computer program for applications such as architectural, interior design, civil and mechanical engineering, film, and video game design. A freeware version, Sketch Up Make, and a paid version with additional functionality, Sketch Up Pro, is available. How Do I Use Sketch Up? There are a lot of […]

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Introduction to Scratch Jr!

What is Scratch Jr? Scratch Jr is an iPad app that a gives young children an introduction to programming. By snapping together graphical programming blocks, children can make characters move, jump, dance and sing. In the process, children learn to solve problems, design projects and express themselves creatively using the iPad. How do I get […]

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How to setup an Office365 email on iOS

NOTE: There is now an updated guide to setup Office365 using the OWA App. Click Here for instructions.   1) To setup an Office365 email account on an Apple device, open the “Settings” app   2) From the menu on the left hand side, select “Mail, Contacts, Calendars”   3) Select “Add Account” from the sub […]

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Why Can’t I Access SIMS?

There are a number of reasons why SIMS may not be working. For SIMS to function, a user must have access to the S drive. If the connection is lost then the following error message is usually shown when attempting to run SIMS:   How Do I know If I Have Connection to the S […]

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